The Brahmanda Purana, one of the eighteen Mahapuranas of Hinduism, is a sacred text that contains various myths, legends, and genealogies associated with Hindu gods and goddesses. It is believed to have been written by the sage Vyasa, who is also credited with compiling the Mahabharata and other ancient texts.

The Brahmanda Purana is known for its extensive content, covering a wide range of topics including creation myths, cosmology, genealogies of gods and sages, rituals, geography, temples, legends of various deities, and the significance of sacred places. It consists of twelve sections (called parvas) that provide a comprehensive account of the Hindu universe and its various realms, from the celestial worlds to the netherworlds.

In the Rigveda, the term “Brahmanda” refers to the cosmic egg or the universe. It represents the concept of the universe as an egg-shaped structure, with different layers representing different realms or worlds. The Brahmanda Purana expands upon this concept, describing the creation, sustenance, and destruction of the universe through various allegorical and mythological narratives.

The Brahma Purana, also known as the Adi Purana, is a separate text that is often confused with the Brahmanda Purana. While they are both considered important Hindu scriptures, they have distinct content and focus. The Brahma Purana primarily revolves around the creator deity Brahma, detailing his birth, genealogy, and narratives associated with him. It also contains information on cosmology, pilgrimage sites, and religious rituals.