The Kurma Purana is one of the eighteen Mahapuranas in Hindu mythology. It is named after the Kurma Avatar (the tortoise incarnation) of Lord Vishnu, who plays a significant role in the creation of the universe according to the Purana.

The Kurma Purana consists of two parts: the Purva Khanda (first part) and the Uttara Khanda (second part). The Purva Khanda describes various cosmological theories, creation myths, and genealogies of kings and sages. It also includes narratives about the Kurma Avatar, Lord Vishnu’s role in the churning of the cosmic ocean, and the recovery of the Vedas from the demon Hayagriva.

The Uttara Khanda of the Kurma Purana focuses more on the stories of Lord Shiva. It delves into the various aspects of Lord Shiva’s divine nature, his forms, and his incarnations. The Khanda narrates the story of how Shiva became the first guru of the world and imparted knowledge to the sages. It also describes the greatness of Lord Shiva’s abode, Kashi (Varanasi), and the importance of worshipping him for spiritual liberation.

The Kurma Purana, like other Mahapuranas, serves as a guide for religious rituals, festivals, and moral codes. It contains valuable information about the creation of the universe, the principles of dharma (righteousness), and the significance of devotion towards deities like Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva.

It is important to note that the Kurma Purana is not solely dedicated to Lord Shiva but encompasses a wide range of mythological stories and teachings from various deities. However, the Uttara Khanda specifically provides insights into the glory and importance of Lord Shiva in Hindu mythology.


the Kurma Purana is a significant text in Hindu scripture that explores various cosmological theories, creation myths, and genealogies. It also contains narratives about Lord Vishnu’s Kurma Avatar and the divine aspects of Lord Shiva in the Uttara Khanda. The Purana serves as a guide for religious rituals and provides valuable insights into dharma and devotion towards deities.